Dave George, ’79

Dave George has worked since 1995 as a recruiter, or “headhunter.” His role is to find and identify sought-after professional people and executives and persuade them to join other companies, often key competitors.

In 1998, Dave created the OACS Alumni Newsletter which at its peak readership, before the advent of social networks, was read by more than 900 alumni, OACS staff, and supporters. The newsletter has brought hundreds of long-lost friends together and has provided a link for alumni with their “hometown” roots. Dave has also been a key player in the creation of the OACS Alumni Hall of Fame as a means of providing real-life inspirational role models for current OACS students.

Since 1993, Dave and his family have raised more than $230,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. In 2007, Dave began raising money for scholarships, in the name of our Hall of Fame, for one or two deserving OACS graduates each June.  A resident of Fairport since 1989, Dave joined that community’s Dollars for Scholars board in 2011 and has served as President since 2015.

After seeing his career plans evolve from his original aspiration to be a doctor, to working as a software engineer to being in sales and recruiting, Dave is a big believer in “never say never” and hopes his selection to the OACS Hall of Fame serves as a “teachable moment” for any students from OACS or elsewhere. The newsletter, the alumni events Dave has promoted, his constant promotion of OACS loyalty and OACS pride, have added value to the lives of many. Dave’s ideas, effort, and enthusiasm have made it all happen. Graduates for generations to come will benefit from the projects that Dave started.