Following graduation from OACS in 1972, Alan has worked hard to succeed and give back to the community that he loves. In 1973, he began working for Graham Manufacturing as a draftsman and during his 22 years there, worked his way up to contract engineer. In 1995, Alan began working for the Town of Oakfield Highway Department and Lamb Farms. In 2003, Alan was elected Highway Superintendent for the Town of Oakfield and has maintained the elected position to date. Alan also works as a community liaison for Assemblyman Steve Hawley of the 139th Assembly District.
Throughout his career, Alan has attended certification classes to enhance his knowledge and qualifications. He attended Hudson Valley Community College where he achieved a certificate in mechanical design and has attended many engineering classes at Rochester Institute of Technology, Genesee Community College, and North Carolina State University. Additionally, he has completed Road Master Level 1 and Level 2 courses from Cornell University’s Local Roads Program.
Alan’s love of Oakfield has been apparent while serving as the Highway Superintendent for the town as he often goes above and beyond to help make Oakfield a place a person can be proud to live. He has sought out and received many grant dollars to improve and beautify the town and has helped organize a multitude of celebrations while in his position including Labor Daze, Halloween in the Park, and Majestic Lights in the Park. Alan can often be seen by members of the community putting in countless hours to make sure the town runs smoothly and looks appealing to the eye. For the past three years, Alan has been working diligently to bring municipal water to the Town of Oakfield, an improvement that will improve the quality of life for its residents. This project should be complete within two years and at that time 98 percent of town residents will have municipal water.
Alan’s hard work and commitment to Oakfield doesn’t stop with his career. Alan has always put community involvement high on his list of priorities. He volunteered as a coach for many years at various levels, including t-ball, girl’s softball, and boy’s Little & Senior league. Alan has always been an active member of the local fire department, beginning with Alabama Fire Department before transferring to the Oakfield Fire Department. While at the Oakfield Fire Department, Alan served as chief for six years and was a NYS EMT and served on the Oakfield ambulance. He is strong in his beliefs and his Christian Faith, being active in his local church and a long-time member of the Oakfield Republican Party.
Alan has been married to his wife, Debbie, since 1974. Together they have two children and four grandchildren.
Alan states his goal is to “Actively work and support my community for a better way of life for our residents and our children and grandchildren.” He also believes that “People should help thy neighbor as thy self, not seeking or looking for any personal gain or gratification your reward is what you receive in your heart.”